My Wish List or What I would like to do most

So, that's subject to change. But it's very interesting to know some of a person's dreams.


  • dance tango
  • dance salsa
  • go to a good movie
  • meet my friends for dinner or cocktails and laugh a lot
  • get a massage
  • go to Hamam (if it's Aux Gazelles in Vienna it's just perfect)
  • eat a Wiener Schnitzel in the Sacher Restaurant
  • eat a Wiener Tafelspitz in the Plachutta Restaurant
  • eat anything in Violeta's Vintage Kitchen, Bucharest
  • go to a good classical concert
  • ride the bike in nature
  • go shopping in Pisa, Italy
  • go dreaming in Paris
  • have a nice summer vacation through the Greek islands
  • meet interesting people and accomplished women


  • Kristallklar und Überirdisch oils from Max and Me
  • a Dior concert dress

Life Dreams

...well, well, I won't write those ones. It's a nown fact one shouldn't speak openly about such dreams - maybe they have a better chance to become true. You could guess, thou :)

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